Fiery World
The Chalice Of the Heart is overflowing, Sunlike Joy.
O' chela bring forth a greater capacity to receive for heightened service.
"Receive and drink of thy Chalice; empty it to see the mystery at the bottom."
~Rabia U'llah
This is the Era of Joy
I am light, love, and wisdom, peacefulness and the Truth.
I am the life victorious, joyfulness and youth.
All "Diamonds of the Sun," may your innate flame, sparkle,
catching merely a glint in the eye of mankind,
whom yearn for your brilliance.
All eventually and avidly seek your eminence,
Thy Great Soul of Being.
~Rabia U'llah
Love is intrinsic, external and is 'The Eternal Discourse.'
It attunes, confirms, and affirms your Heart.
The heart of another may be other-wise engaged but your access to
Heart has no limits, boundaries or borders.
The tenderness of touch is transmits rarefied memories of eternal dream communion,
which eases the pain of dis-ease away and transforms it from a worldly way
to attune, confirm, and re-affirm 'The Eternal Discourse of the Heart.'
-~Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of Service
May a starving world partake in Our banquet of
Loving thoughts, this Sacred Bread Of Life
And Thy Grace and Protection
~Rabia U'llah
Prepare to sit, in the Heart, Aflame with Psalms!
~Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of Community
It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated and interdependent.
We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,
tied into a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.
~Martin Luther King, Jr., The Trumpet of Conscience
Meditate for Peace, within all life known and unknown, individual, planetary
and the conscious wholeness for the universal life of being, whether formless and/or within form.
Let us honor the experiences and uniquely expressed life we all share, the Spirit,
mystery, wonder and beauty centered everywhere in our communities play,
wielding-up and welding in joyfulness right now, here today,
everlasting and always.
~Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of Knowledge
Breathing mindfully helps us create space in our heart.
Each one of us needs space and freedom - from our
worries, our regrets and our anxiety. Coming back to our breathing,
and letting go of all our worries and concerns,
we become as free as the moon sailing across the night sky.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Chalice Of Self-Sacrifice
this means, in practice, that there is only one vocation.
whether you teach or live in a cloister, or nurse the sick,
whether you are in religion or out of it, married or single,
no matter who you are, you are called to the summit of perfection:
you are called to a deep interior life perhaps to mystical prayer
and to pass the fruits of your contemplation on to others.
and if you cannot do so by word, then by example.
---Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain
Chalice Of Achievement
When you are present, actually experiencing here and now,
of the unperceived, conceptual-less, pure spaciousness.
~Rabia U'llah
"Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there."
This is my simple religion. No need for temples. No need for complicated philosophy.
Your own mind, your own heart is the temple. Your philosophy is simple kindness.”
~Dalai Lama
Chalice Of Beauty and Magnificence
In the Field or Presence of Awe-Inspiring, Magnificent Beauty
It Brings Peace Profound and an Involution and Evolution of Unveiling
The Higher.
There is The Unitary, All Powerful, Infinite and All Mighty Intelligence,
All Pervading, permeating the so called, 'V O I D' and Creation,
which re-initiates, re-creates, manifesting and dissolving
( whether in your mind's eye or not; whether known to you or not)
an unbounded and un-parallel---universe and
Magnificent cosmological BEAUTY, worlds without end.
So I say to you: Remembrance.
Humble and Thankful (thanks-filled) for every blessing!
"Tis" the key to your Magnificence, your innocents.......
Your inner-sense of Beauty, Joy, Forgiveness of error (whether yours or another's),
as well,
Being Forgiving aerates Charitableness and Inspiration
(the inspiralization of creative thoughts for their manifestation), as a
Co-creator in the universe and inservice to 'the humanity' of mankind;
by Being ever evolving, Be 'n' Evol'ence, Benevolent Magnificence.
Self-Regeneration of Divine Sparks Of Light is for the Acceleration of Evolution.
Sow, 'In the Feel' of Presence, of Awe-Some, Un-parallel Magnificent Beauty.
It Brings Peace Profound, An Involution, Creating Evolution, Unveiling
The Higher
in Thee to Render Humility, Create Harmony for Service to Humanity
~Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of Treasury
The Beauty of Presence & In the Presence of Beauty
*attending to the Light With-In, or
**attending to Alight within, or
***intending to alight and align within.
The first, attending to the Light
With-In Treasury, *seeks maintaining it and insuring it;
The second, attending to Alight
within Treasury, **seeks igniting it or securing it; and
The third, intending to alight and align
Within Treasury, seeks time to access the field, or
feel its' issuing.
~~ Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of The Cosmic Magnet
The All Attractive
Chalice Of Sacred Fire
Thy Divine Breath, as Being,
Breathing, as Fiery Being.
Thy Divinity being Fire, breathing.
Thy Divine Being, Fire breathing.
Thy Fiery Being, breathing, seeing, searing a clearing to ash for the race, HOME.
The I AM Race-Is God breathing His Fiery Being, creating Humanity's conscious feeling
to manifesting His Holy will in the Hearth called HOME.
Thy Divine Breath, as One Being, breathing fiery manifold
Sparks of Light
In Remembrance to:
Selfless loving is the ideal -- giving, caring without expectation of getting something in return.
Naturally being for giving is your true nature. Being for giving cleanses, purifies and makes you clear,
radiant and light when no longer harboring ill-will or carrying the weight of the world or
the mental creations of expectations.
---Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of Wisdom
The christening of souls is an anointing in an initiation
The christening of souls by the anointing is an initiation.
I am a being of Scared Fire, I am divinely inspired as now, actually realized.
---Rabia U'llah
Chalice Of Love
Thy flash point of peace, is emanating, imbuing harmony within me.
I am Light, Love and Wisdom, Peacefulness
And the Truth. I am the Life
Victorious, Joyfulness and Youth
~Rabia U'llah.
Chalice Of Joy & Exaltation!
Psalms of the Heart
'Celestial Song Of Light'
A joyful heart, loving spirit, a harmonious
calm mind, is thine to share
as praises and thanks
gives all souls glorious wings...
in remembering.
~~Rabia U'llah
A Hero's Nobility---
Joy, Courage, Self-Sacrifice
O' See,
A Hero comes along with a Joyful
Heart in Song!
Hero's of the Spirit express Joy,
A Fiery Consciousness,
The Holy Grail of Happiness.
A Hero's response to THE CALL
Is an immediate, spontaneous
Self-Sacrifice, an action of Love and Kindness;
AFiery Consciousness, Open Winged,
Soaring, amidst the Great Unseen,
Golden Beings.
Purify Heart,
Clarify Mind,
A Fiery World
--Rabia U' llah
Chalice Of Amrita
"Thou art thyself, the All Giving and All Accepting the All Pervading."
~~Rabia U'llah