The sun may be clouded, yet ever the sun,

Will sweep on its course till the cycle is run.

And when into chaos the systems are hurled,

Again shall the Builder reshape a new world.

Your path may be clouded, uncertain your goal;

Move on, for the orbit is fixed for your soul.

And though it may lead into darkness of night,

The torch of the Builder shall give it new light.

You were, and you will be; know this while you are:

Your spirit has traveled both long and afar.

It came from the Source, to the Source it returns;

The spark that was lighted eternally burns.

From body to body your spirit speeds on;

It seeks a new form, when the old one is gone.

And the form that it finds, is the fabric we wrought

On the loom of the mind with the fiber of thought.

From cycle to cycle, through time and through space,

Your lives with your longings will ever keep pace.

And all that you ask for and all you desire,

May come at your bidding, as flames out of fire.

You are your own devil, you are your own God.

You fashioned the paths that your footsteps have trod.

And no one can save you from error or sin

Until you shall hark to the spirit within.

---From the poem, THE LAW

by Rosicrucian poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox

~   ~   ~

Steep is the path to the abode of faith.

Turn thy mind toward the joy of creation.

that thou mayest exalt the spirit---

cast out the trivial thoughts and be ready

to receive the vibrations sent by Us.

A pure thought ever ascends.

At the feet of Christ it blossoms, radiant.

With pure blue flame glows the Calling Word and

radiates the Chalice of Exaltation.

O' Lord, drain our tears and perceive the flame of our


"By flames shall I dry thy tears and up-raise the temple

of thy heart."

Remove the covers of the hearth; the Lord cometh!

He has transformed the treasury of the cup.

And has returned the chalice afire.

Beseech Christ.

Search for the joy of exaltation.

Discover and unlock the Gates of Knowledge.

And affirm thyself in the understanding of God's plan.

---Leaves of El Morya's Garden, THE CALL

par. 19,21,24

~  ~  ~

This is the Era of Joy!

Diamonds of the Sun, may your innate Fiery Flame

Reflect shimmer and sparkle in the eyes of the humane

Whom yearn for the brilliance, beseeching His Eminence,

The Great Soul of Being.

---Rabia U'llah

~  ~  ~  

Carrying the spear of life,

We breathe smilingly the life giving ether of the sun.

Take up thy spear at sunrise and guide thy steeds

Of morning towards the midday of life.

And the lilies will blossom upon stones.

And the first ray, open thy portal.

And the birds shall sing the praise

of labor.

Learn the Wisdom of the Creator through life's

Strengthen the consciousness

Of Our Presence in thy life.

Invoke Our Power for thy deeds.

Rejoice, ye who have understood.

Live a full life, rich in experience.

---Leaves of El Morya's Garden, THE CALL
par. 14, 15

~  ~  ~

I AM Light, Love and Wisdom, Peacefulness and Truth.

I AM the Life Victorious, Joyfulness and Youth.

---Rabin U'llah

Fiery World